Services I Offer

The welfare of your dog is my top priority. I will always advice you of the best grooming schedule for your dogs needs based on their breed, coat type and condition.

Full Groom

A bubbly bath in a natural shampoo followed by a blow dry and then styled to your preference and needs depending on condition of coat. Then their nails are trimmed and ears are cleaned and plucked if needed. 

Price depends on the size of your dog, breed and style.

I advice a full groom for dogs 6 months and over after they have been introduced with puppy grooms.

Mineral Mud Bath & Deshed

A bubbly bath in a natural shampoo followed by a 10 minute massage with the Madra Mor shedding mud to help relieve any shedding coat. The Madra Mor mud is a deep cleaning and packed full of vitamin B3, provitamin B5, multiberry BSC and hydrating omega oils.  They are then dried and brushed out to remove the remaining dead coat. Ears are cleaned, nails are trimmed and then tidied up depending on the breed.

Price depends on the size of dog and breed.

Hand Stripping

Hand stripping consists of removing the dead hair from the coat by hand instead of clipping. It keeps the coats natural rich colour, texture and waterproof properties making it a no brainer when it comes to wire coats wheras a clipped wire coat can become dull in texture and colour over time. It also requires less maintenance than a clipped wire coat.

Price dependent on breed.

Puppy Groom

Bubbly bath in a natural shampoo followed by a blow dry, brush out, eyes, pads and hygiene areas clearing, nails trimmed and ears cleaned and plucked if needed. Puppy grooms are the best way to get your puppy used to the salon environment to ensure they fully enjoy their grooming experiences throughout life. 

For puppies 6 months and under. I recommend as many of these as possible before they're 6 months old.

Puppy University

Puppy university is the perfect way to get your puppy used to the salon environment and routine. This course consists of 6 weekly sessions in the salon including 3 puppy grooms. The remaining 3 visits consist of visiting the salon, getting used to being on the table and creating a happy and comfortable relationship with me.

For dogs from 12 weeks to 6 months. A certificate will be awarded upon graduation.


Emmi-Pet Ultrasonic Teeth Cleaning

The Emmi-pet is a silent vibration free ultrasonic toothbrush. It uses ultrasound to soften and remove the plaque from their teeth making it a much more enjoyable experience than an ordinary toothbrush.

I offer an Emmi-pet package which consists of six 30 minute sessions plus their own toothbrush head.

'For dogs all ages and breeds. I recommend starting the Emmi-pet from a young age to prevent any plaque forming and to also get them used to it. 

Package £99 or £30 for initial session including toothbrush head and £15 for follow up sessions

Bath & Tidy

Bubbly bath in a natural shampoo followed by a blow dry and brush out, eyes, pads and hygiene areas cleared, nails trimmed and ears cleaned and plucked if needed.

For dogs over 6 months old.

Additional Treatments

Oatmeal & Blueberry Facial


Kiwi & Cocoa butter moistursing Conditioner


Madra Mor mineral deshedding Mud Bath

£5 Small dog
£7 Medium dog
£10 Large dog

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